6 Tell-Tale Signs That You Should See the Eye Doctor
Eye doctors recommend having regular eye exams and checkups based on your age. However, certain eye problems should make you schedule an appointment with the eye doctor as soon as possible. If you're suffering from the following eye conditions, you should contact a...
3 Reasons You Should Invest in Regular Eye Exams for Your Kids
Taking your kids to see their primary care physician once a year is likely an important routine for you. But when it comes to seeing an eye doctor, regular exams might seem less necessary to you. That's absolutely not the case. Pediatric eye exams are vital to your...
3 Factors to Consider When Searching for a Professional Eye Doctor
So, you have a great primary care physician and now you're in the market for a professional eye doctor. Do you know what you need to consider before committing to a practice? Here are three factors that should play into your decision: Experience With More Than Just...
Common Eye Conditions and Treatment Options
Common Eye Conditions and Treatment Options Eye health is just as important as our overall physical health. If you suffer from cataracts or other eye problems, finding the best eye doctor is of paramount importance. To help you find the best eye doctor, the following...
Prescription Hunting Glasses
Prescription Hunting Glasses Everything You Should Know About Prescription Hunting Glasses An Overview Hunters know you need some essential gear to have a successful hunt. One of the items every hunter should bring with them are hunting glasses. Not only do you need...
Strabismus Surgery
Strabismus Surgery Everything You Should Know About Strabismus Surgery and the Recovery Period. An Overview Strabismus surgery: what does it really entail? If you need this surgery, what will it look like for you? If you have questions, you're in the right...
The Gallery at Eye Consultants Is Now Open!
The Gallery at Eye Consultants Is Now Open! Atlanta, Georgia, April 23, 2019 ( - Eye Consultants of Atlanta has expanded their Cumberland, GA practice to include The Gallery at Eye Consultants, the new home of their optical, contact lens, and hearing...
Allergic to Contacts? What You Need to Know
Did you know? Over 45 million Americans wear contacts. That’s a lot of lenses! As a popular form of correcting vision for consumers concerned with convenience and aesthetics, contacts are continuing to gain momentum. However, contacts aren’t without their flaws, and...
Everything To Know About Presbyopia-Correcting Lens Implants
Everything To Know About Presbyopia-Correcting Lens Implants The latest presbyopia-correcting lens implants are an exciting, development in the eye health world. Older lens designs were usually quite good, but the most modern versions are excellent. These...
Doctor Video Content Now Live
Doctor Video Content Now Live We are very excited to announce that 27 of our doctors now have video content on their profiles! Interested in learning more about a particular doctor? Browse all of our doctors and click on their profiles to see the new video content...
Do Contact Lenses Have an Expiration Date?
Although many contact lens wearers probably don’t closely examine the packaging prior to popping in a new pair of lenses, a quick check of the expiration date is an important step for proper eye care. Many wearers might not even know that contact lenses do in fact...
The Common Problems With Progressive Lenses
Are you considering progressive lenses? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Progressive lenses have grown in popularity and are currently the most common solution for treating vision loss that occurs with age, or presbyopia. This condition occurs when the eye loses...
Four Ways Quality Lighting Improves Seniors’ Quality of Life
Four Ways Quality Lighting Improves Seniors' Quality of Life Imagine having stiff joints and eyesight that isn't like it used to be and not enough light to help you as you go about your day. This simple scenario speaks to a lot of the problems older people have to...
Everything You Need to Know About Bifocals & Progressive Lenses
Eye problems are not uncommon, especially as individuals age or are subject to environments that can have a detrimental impact on eyesight (ex: eye strain due to excessive use of computer and mobile device screens). In fact, the Vision Council of America estimates...
Differences Between Saline Solution And Contact Solution For Eyes
Differences Between Saline Solution And Contact Solution For Eyes Contact lenses are one of the most popular and safe methods of correcting vision problems. In fact, more than 30 million Americans in the United States alone use contacts to see correctly on a daily...